Screen Locker for Windows. Temporarily lock or hide the desktop.
- Can lock PC after a while and unlock the next day. Weekly schedule.
- Blackout desktop, turn off the screen, put PC to sleep using hotkeys.
- To protect your data use Windows Lock and BitLocker features aswell.
Download - free portable version
2.1.1, released 25.10.2024,
- fixed an issue in the portable version update process.
- other improvements.
- can swap Page Up/Page Down keys with Arrow keys (see F1 help).
- fixes and improvements.
- argument after "lock" to specify the path to a PNG image to show.
If you buy it in Microsoft Store or donate US$15 for a portable license, you also get:
- Passwords for additional users and password protected settings.
- Change or hide the notification icon. App can ask the password to quit.
- Lock by using command line args also while app is running. Logs.
- More customizable lock screen appearance and opacity 68% to 100%
- Automatic updates with both the portable and the store version.
- Can lock on login without 5 seconds delay when installed from Store.
Get the app from Microsoft Store or
Donate for a portable license