Changes: 2.7.2 - bug fixed: failing to rename the notes. 2.7.1 - fixed an issue in the portable version update process. 2.7.0 - auto save can be disabled, option to jump to end of text. - interface improved, notes filter considers note names as well. - app can check if there's a new version available (see F1 help). - fixed issue: filter skips first word in each text line. 2.6.0 - support for high DPI monitors. - interface changes, editable color themes. - saves changes if text can be correctly encoded only. - besides Auto Save, you can use Ctrl+S to save. - changing text encoding re-encodes all notes safely. - notes filter improvements. 2.0.5 - support for Windows 10. 2.0.1 - about box modified. - bug fixed: saves note but crashes when filter is disabled. 2.0.0 - interface modified and simplified. - auto Save implemented. - text encoding can be changed. - notes Filter added. - find text in note. - collections can have descriptions. - export text as PNG image. - undo last edit operations. 1.2.1 - few bugs fixed. 1.2.0 - add/remove empty lines. - interface improved. - text font can be changed. - portable settings.